Nestled in the “valley of the willows” this quaint Breton village (population 3000) bumbled along quite merrily until it was discovered by a series of artists, the most famous France’s Paul Gaugin and Emile Bernard who set up a colony here in the 1850s. This morphed into a movement recognised today as the Pont-Aven School and remains a magnet for artists today.
Pont-Aven retains a feel of rural river charm.
Its small commercial centre is primarily composed of Breton Biscuit shops and art galleries (some 60 open in the Summer). We spent the afternoon retracing the steps of the masters, the spots where they planted their easels and the views that inspired them.
TodaysFun fact: Even the public convenience has an artistic rural charm. Grahame however can (just) be seen availing himself of the practical use of this building!
Who would not want to be part of an artistic colony in such a beautiful, inspirational place? HUGS Mumski xx